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ICAI’s AGM – Annual General Meeting

The Immigrant council for Arts and Innovation (ICAI) is dedicated to providing specialised programs and services tailored to the unique needs of newcomers and immigrant arts […]

ساختن جوامع امن‌تر: شما و قانون

ساختن جوامع امن‌تر: «شما و قانون» اداره پلیس کلگری برای کمک به مهاجران جدید در شناخت سیستم قانونی کانادا و حقوقی که به عنوان ساکنان آن […]

Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC)

Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC) September Newsletter Please take note of the following information extracted from the Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC) September newsletter: 1. Immigrants of Distinction […]